As some of you may know, our sister community, the Monastero di Bose in Italy, has been going through some difficult times lately. While this is "normal" in the life of almost every religious community, as even a cursory glance at church history will show, that in no way diminishes the pain of it when it's happening.
But pain can be of two kinds: meaningless or fruitful. The church's kindness and solicitude, especially in the person of Pope Francis, has helped to make this time for Bose one of growth full of the promise of fruit. It will, of course, take time to mature and ripen; and only God can give it the growth and maturity that will make it a source of nourishment in time to come.
Br Luciano (prior of Bose), Fr Amedeo Cencini (Pontifical Delegate) and Pope Francis
Here is a translation of a letter written by Pope Francis to the community in March of this year:
To the Prior and to the brothers and sisters of the monastic community of Bose
Vatican City, March 12, 2021
Dear Br Luciano, and brothers and sisters of the monastic community of Bose,
As I already did verbally during the audience granted to the Pontifical Delegate ad nutum Sanctae Sedis and to the Prior on March 4, on the eve of my apostolic journey to Iraq, I wish to express my closeness and support to you with all my heart in this period of severe test that you are going through to live your vocation faithfully.
I am well aware of how in recent months the serious difficulties that had led to the Apostolic Visitation and to the issuance of the singular Decree have unfortunately increased due to the prolonged delay in the execution of the decisions of the Holy See contained therein.
In this context, I consider it appropriate to reiterate what I wrote in the letter sent on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the monastic community, inviting you to "persevere in the initial intuition" of a fraternal life in charity and a witness to the search for evangelical radicality in prayer, in work and hospitality. The ecumenical dimension that characterizes you and your active yearning for Christian unity are a precious treasure that the Church wants to preserve, watching over her authenticity and fruitfulness.
Do not be disturbed by rumors that aim to throw discord among you: the good of authentic fraternal communion must be safeguarded even when the price to be paid is high! Just as fidelity in such moments allows us to grasp even more the voice of the One who calls and gives the strength to follow him.
Also the presence alongside you of the Pontifical Delegate, Fr. Amedeo Cencini, FdCC, and his work in harmony with the Cardinal Secretary of State are a sign of my constant concern: do not feel abandoned in this impervious stage of your journey! The Pope is alongside each one of you. May nothing and no one take away the certainty of your call and its beauty and trust in the future!
I invoke the Holy Spirit upon you to give you strength and courage as we continue our Lenten journey towards the paschal mystery of death and resurrection. I entrust myself to your prayers and I assure you of mine. With my blessing.
We, for our part, want to reaffirm our bonds of fraternal love and support for our sisters and brothers in Bose and its fraternities. The trials we have to face, we face together, and in Christ. The strength and courage that the Spirit gives will lead to the wisdom that the Spirit is, the Wisdom that Jesus embodies.